Thursday, February 17, 2011

Told ya so....

Who didn't think I'd actually get this done??  C' can tell me...actually, don't.  I much prefer to think of myself as flawless :)  Ahem...I'm sorry, is that a bit much??

So I'm really excited about the possibilities that this presents for our lifegroup conversations!  Thanks, Eric for suggesting the idea...BRILLIANT!

Each time we meet collectively, I will post a recap/summary-type blurb of what we discussed, maybe post some of the questions we asked and didn't have time to really get into depth with (since we are definitely time-challenged ;) and let it fly from there!  Might help if you subscribe so that you will potentially get an email notification each time we update/post.

Thanks for being so truly is a pleasure to get to hang and journey with each of you!  Let's get talking!

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